Born on 25 April 1988 in St. Petersburg. During my university years, I first studied art history, then specialized in philosophy and political science.

I founded and to fulfill my educational, investigative, and technological interests towards Wikipedia.

I'm interested in climate studies, politics, good governance, economics, venture financing, new media, culture, and art.

Married to Marina Kutepova (since 2019) with two kids: Kira (2020) and Erika (2022). Residing in Tallinn, Estonia, since 2022.
Extended bio
I was born on 25 April 1988 in the family of Lyudmila and Alexander Gruznov. My bloodline combines the Baltic Finns (Izhorians and Votians), Russians from the Northwest and South, and exiles from Central Russia. No nobles. Instead, nearly every generation suffered from the state: two great-grandfathers were shot, a grandfather was sent to labor camp at the age of 11, and a father was sentenced to forced labor for fartsovka.


Even though I was a good student in school, succeeded in academic competitions, and graduated with honors, I never understood which career path to pursue in the university. I considered crisis management studies, tried following my father's steps in arts management, and ended up in political science at Saint-Petersburg State University. Two years into political studies, I was disappointed in my career prospects in modern Russia and the overall quality of education, and left the university.


Then I found something that interested me more than academia: the Wikipedia. I started contributing in 2007,
and spent five years in adminship in the Russian Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. In the mid-2010s, this hobby became the foundation for the digital publishing company Wikify, which later transformed into education and investigation-focused and tech-focused


While studying at the university, I met Pavel Durov and joined Vkontakte, which was a small tech startup back then. I was a member of the moderation team and curated the ads department. I was disappointed by the lack of automation, the monotonous work, and the way company management prioritized devs over the other staff. So, I decided never to seek employment, earn with my own projects, and join other initiatives trying to reach a bigger impact on society and state.


In 2017, I met Marina Kutepova, a sci-comm and curator at the Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines. Two years later, we got married. We have two daughters: Kira (born 10 February 2020) and Erika (born 8 August 2022). We live in Tallinn, Estonia, since May 2022.
Most of my effort goes towards Wikipedia: writing, investigating, coordinating, and fundraising for my initiatives:
We run educational projects on Wikipedia (as a platform) and investigate attempts to manipulate articles on important and sensitive topics, such as war, politics, healthcare, climate change.
An intelligent software to monitor and analyze millions of edits, users, and articles of Wikipedia.
My 10-Year Plan
In the near future, I will focus on entrepreneurship and promoting long-overdue policy and political changes.
Wikiganda has effectively identified and stopped disinformation and whitewashing campaigns in Europe. I plan to expand our reach further to combat corporate and state propaganda globally.

Together with my long-term friend and teammate, Timofei Vatolin, I am developing a novel, more reliable, and flexible knowledge accumulation and distribution platform than the modern Wikipedia.
I'm eager to start my political career in Estonia with an Eesti2M project to rethink the migration policies to increase the population of Estonia from 1.35 to 2 million by attracting talented expats to business, science, and culture.
Nice to meet you
I'm interested in meeting people in person and sharing my knowledge.
Reach me by email or telegram @gruznov. Leave me a comment at Instagram and Twitter. It's highly likely, a @gruznov elsewhere is me too.